Wooliliwoo was inspired by moms who care for their children and want that self-care. The brand was launched by Chae Rim, an actress who juggles her life as a single Mom. Wooliliwoo is a brand made for Moms who cannot spend too much time pampering themselves. It's a brand you can use while sneaking after the baby sleeps. Moreover, it’s a brand you can bring close to your baby because they’re all organically made and safe for babies and children.
Wooliliwoo means “our gift” because babies are gifts to Moms and vice versa. Therefore, the brand's products are like gifts for moms for their self-care and gifts to babies because they will be safe with all their skincare and cosmetics. Moreover, all products are quick and easy to use so that Moms can return to their babies in no time.
Best Products of Wooliliwoo
Wooliliwoo has become famous for those who want a quick and easy regimen that is also mild and safe for children. Here are the best products of the brand: (1) Wooliliwoo Egg Cleansing Water, and (2)
Wooliliwoo Egg Cleansing Water
The Wooliliwoo Egg Cleansing Water gently bubbles up when lathered, effectively removing sunscreen, dirt, and impurities. It contains probiotics, prebiotics, and Tearmimetics Water (instead of purified water) that smoothens the skin, leaving it relaxed without any tight feeling. It is safe for any family member because it contains no harmful ingredients and weak acidity.
Wooliliwoo Egg Sun Cushion
The Wooliliwoo Egg Sun Cushion provides skin protection and sunblock. It comes in a cushion form and is filled with Nutrition Fluid Water that permeates the skin to hydrate and fortify. It also contains Phytosterol to strengthen the skin barrier. It also helps after sun exposure by cooling down the skin temperature. It also soothes the skin with its Calamine Powder content. It’s a re-applicable sunscreen for all family members and protects the skin from damage.
Wooliliwoo: Created by Moms for Moms and the Whole Family
A Mother’s instinct, they say, but wouldn't you entrust your skin and your family’s skin to your Mom? Well, that’s Wooliliwoo for you; it’s your Mom taking care of the whole household. Entrust your skin with products that don’t contain harmful ingredients and are mild for everyone, including kids! Use Wooliliwoo.